Bees At My Home

What are the most important things to know about bees?

1. Bees die when they sting; there isn’t any reason to sting unless you are hurting them or 
the hive. Most of the time you are just landscape to them.

2. Honeybees look for certain types of cavities to build hives in. They must be large enough 
for comb and bees and protected enough for them to maintain their babies between 90 – 95 degrees Fahrenheit with a relative humidity of 50 – 60%. Click To Read More

They need to be unoccupied, somewhat protected from wind, rain, heat and cold to developed a strong healthy hive. Hollowed out trees, uninsulated walls and floor joists are good spaces for 
honeybees. Less frequently attic spaces are used, they usually get too hot. South facing 
walls aren’t preferred for the same reason. Overhanging eaves on east and north are very 
commonly chosen, south and west less often unless there is shade so it doesn’t 
overheat. Sometimes they even find a way past the outer walls and into floor or ceiling 
joist spaces.


Our thermography technology pinpoints the location of this group of bees at a home in River Oaks, Houston, Texas

Bees that move into houses build wax comb and fill it very rapidly with honey and pollen 
and their young. If you block them in they will Click To Read More

find a way out or inside. If you poison them and they die, rot and 
release the honey to soak drywall and make a mess of your house, plus contaminate the honey that all the neighborhood bees will take 
home poisoning them or contaminating the honey they make (and you may eat).

4. Without bees your table will be mostly empty of fruits, vegetables and many flowers.

So, there we are. Even the “beneficial” insects can be severe problems when they decide to coexist with people, Click To Read More

and that is when we can properly label them as “pests”. Honeybees are wonderful, and we raise them in hives to take advantage of their hard work, but be aware of the potential of problems and the course of action when it happens to your home.


Here is a group of bees between the floors of a home near George Bush Park in Houston, Texas